By Lisa Haven

“A group known for its successes fighting digital wars, notably net neutrality, is offering $15,000 to activists who quit their jobs and form “A-Teams” to jump into a war on President Trump’s agenda.” Washington Examiner

The “Trump Derangement Syndrome” seems to be catching multiple people on the liberal left and now three organizations have formed all pushing for the impeachment, disbandment, and disembodiment of the Trump organization. All with hidden undertones of radical acts against the president.

Fight For The Future is one of the three organizations and is now offering $15,000 for the first month, if someone agrees to form an A-Team and incite a political war against Trump via activism, protests, marching, etc.

A second group Media Matters through a leaked memo called Democracy Matters  Strategic Plan For Action held an event where 100 top donors gathered together to discuss how to “attack Trump” at a Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Florida. There they discussed hiring thousands of bots of activists to shower the net and attack opposition.

The final group comes on the Obama front, called Organize for Action. This group has over 32,000 members and boasts of over 5 million American’s taking action on the site. This activist army is designed to be the force behind Obama’s call to action for anything he deems people should act on.

In a nutshell, the war on Trump isn’t coming, it’s already here. The war on our freedom isn’t coming it’s already here. If something isn’t done now to stop it, then, I’m not quite sure what the future will hold.

In the video below I dive through all the above and more. And prove Donald Trump is the target of the globalists…

For More Information See:

Presidential Threat Map:

Fight For The Future:

Kit Daniels Report:

Democracy Matters David Brock Memo: