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By Lisa Haven

This year the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense,  DARPA, who is responsible for the development of emerging technologies for the military, awarded Profusa, Inc., a leading developer of tissue-integrated biosensors, $7.5 million dollars to develop implantable biosensors aimed at providing real-time monitoring of a combat soldiers health status to improve mission efficiency.

According to Profusa the technology is as follows:

“It is placed just under the skin with a specially designed injector, each tiny biosensor is a flexible fiber, 2 mm-to-5 mm long and 200-500 microns in diameter. Rather than being isolated from the body, Profusa’s biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics — overcoming the effects of the foreign body response for more than one year.”

This sounds eerily similar to something us Christians have been talking about for years! RFID tech that will be implanted into the skin and eventually be used instead of cash:

“…no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” (Revelation 13:17)

I believe this is another step in that direction! Here’s more on this report… 

Here’s the video from Profuse Inc. about their new Tissue-Integrating Biosensor…

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But that’s not all! The government has shown interest in mind-control, brain-chip technology for some time now, and quite frankly these types of inventions can have its dangerous uses. The two documents I covered in the video above prove that the Department of Defense has already drawn up plans to use such neural interfaces on not only the military, but also on the population. Their goal is to have it all in place by 2025.

Here are two staggering quotes from the Human Performance document I discussed in the video above:

“The most successful implementation of invasive interfaces [a direct communication pathway, done via surgery, between the brain and an external device] has occurred in medical applications in which nerve signals are used as the mechanism for information transfer. Adversarial actions using this approach to implement enhanced, specialized sensory functions could be possible in limited form now, and with developing capability in the future” (Human Performance page 77)

They go on to admit the dangers of microchip implants

“…an extreme example would be remote guidance or control of a human being.” (page 70)

The other document, Information Operations a New War Fighting Capability, goes in further detail about these implants and attempts to make their case by saying that the device helps increase security all while saying it doesn’t require any security measures:

“…An implanted microscopic chip does not require security measures to verify whether the right person is connected to the IIC, whereas a room, helmet, or sunglasses requires additional time-consuming access control mechanisms to verify an individual’s identity and level of control within the Cyber Situation.” (pg. 35)

They further go on to state that the population will accept it, and then they liken it to a “virtual video game” experience:

“The civilian populace will likely accept an implanted microscopic chips that allow military members to defend vital national interests.” (Pg. 36)

“These advances will help restore patients with damaged neural, audio, and visual systems as well as enable individuals to achieve the “ultimate virtual reality trip.” (page 24)

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