Just a message I needed to share. …
Crucial Message From Lisa Haven …

Posted by Lisa Haven | Feb 1, 2017 | Christian News, Featured | 5 |
Just a message I needed to share. …
Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analyst and one of the top contributors on www.BeforeItsNews.com. She is also author of www.LisaHaven.News and runs her own youtube channel with millions views. She also has done speaking engagements, written bible studies, and has spoken on numerous radio broadcasts. Digging deep and finding truth is what she lives for. Her passion is to spread truth no matter where it lies. She covers everything from martial law, to FEMA camps, to end time bible prophecy, to government documents and much more!
Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analyst and has been seen and heard on broadcasts around the world. She has her own YouTube channel, with half a million subscribers and multiple other websites that she authors, her message is heard by millions every single each month. Her experience extends into public and private speaking engagements, written bible studies and investigative reporting. With decades of continual research and a deep passion for her subject manner she is able to uncover and spread truth where ever it may be hidden in a message her audience understands, appreciates and depends on.
We love you Lisa and will keep visiting and supporting your YouTube site because you stand for truth and all that is good. Stand tall, stand firm! You can count on us to STAND BEHIND you!
Lisa you must know that you are not viewed as a friend of the Left wing status quo. For that reason alone your site(s) will take hits from…..well you get my drift. Expect more not less of this kind of thing.
Hi there, your subscribe icon, when pushed to enter an email, shows a virtually black space in which to enter the email address, and the same for the name……..so it is virtually impossible to see what email has been entered…..only a very careful steady putton press will ensure the correct email is entered……this needs sorting…..all the best.
During WW2, B-17 bombers would get heavy “flak” due to being over the mission target. You are over the target Lisa. Keep on keeping on and stay on mission. You’re over the target. God speed
Kevin Goodwin canton ohio…