By Lisa Haven
America is on the brink of war and rumors of a North Korean or Russia cyber attack are on the list of possible scenarios that could play out on U.S. soil. Multiple government officials have warned of such threats in the past, and now it seems only a matter of time before someone targets the American grid.
Shockingly, a document constructed in August 2016, just before the “war” officially broke out, has just surfaced. The trouble with this document is that it portrays the venerabilities in the power grid and lists both North Korea and Russia as our biggest threats to the grid. The report is titled, “Cyber Threat and Vulnerability Analysis of the U.S. Electric Sector,” and while it was not written by a government agency directly, it was written FOR them by the Mission Support Center National Laboratory.
All that and more in this CRITICAL report…
For More Information See:
MULTIPLE LEVELS OF INTRIGUE ON THE INTERNET… AMONG ALL THE FALSE FLAGS, THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE FLAG AND THAT IS THE AMERICAN FLAG… Yes, it even seems “false flags” are an understatement when considering the complexity. Since Oct. 1 the Internet is gone from American control. Tens of thousands of incremental and political-Islam muslims in Silicon Valley continue as proxy terrorists, but this time in the virtual world. They are proxies funded by Gulen and will blame it on Russia and North Korea. But that is only part of the problem. As vast as it is, we only see 3 % of the Internet. The other 97% is the DarkNet where boys and girls are traded daily, osmium is sold, weapons profiteered, massive drug sales occur daily, contract murders planned and agreed on. From this the hackers will sabotage in unparalleled ways. Indeed, the worst and most evil part of the Swamp is the DarkNet. God help us. Gulen, funding the Silicon Valley cabal proxy, has over $55 billion in black funds from the DarkNet. The bottom line: THEIR Internet cabling runs along one side of railroad tracks six feet below the surface – and on rocker panels in well-concearled underground gas pipes – and they will remain functioning
ELECTRIC GRID “SECURITY GUARD” WATCH: This is an excellent presentation on the electrical grid. It has multiple threats. A growing concern are the Islamic “security guards” increasingly hired to “guard” our major power plants. Talk about the Fox guarding the hen houses… These “security guards” include muslims born in the US, hired by globalist “security guard” agencies networked tightly with whatever they guard: power plants, shopping malls, airports, warehouses, etc. Isn’t that nice? While our National Guard is busy guarding Bush’s opium crop overseas. Vigileaks sat on a flight next to the woman who owns the software company in Minnesota who tied all these globalist security guard agencies together – along with local, state, federal and international police and the armed forces! Needless to say, she grew rich very fast doing this.
Trump should be concentrating on jobs – not on those to hasten and make better products serving the NWO – but for true American protection such as the mega transformers which could go out in EMP and other attacks. Currently just one takes 5 years in China and 90% of Americans would be long dead by then…