By Lisa Haven
Oh, the joys of the mainstream media who lie, cheat, manipulate and do anything to conjure up a story to the benefit of the “ruling elite.”
For far too long the horrors of mainstream media sites like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and other national TV news organizations have been misleading the public by spreading half-truths and lies. In fact, the public has been aware of it for quite some time and it’s high time we start taking media into our own hands and start focusing on alternative media that is not bought and paid for by government bureaucrats running our country to the ground.
In the video below I not only expose their corruption but I also show a video, posted originally by Dead Spin, that reveals the extent to which local TV journalists are presstituted puppets who deliver the exact same lines read from scripts. It will reveal just how fake the legacy media is!
All that and more below…
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How fake is fake news? It’s really, really fake…. All media puppets are using the same script. So in that sense it’s really Orwellian…. Before they went broke, I recently went into a newspaper shop.. It was the one time I didn’t have a camera along. Ten or more different newspapers all had the same headline. It was then I realized it’s much easier to disseminate than I thought it was…. All under one clandestine “Ministry of Truth” propaganda center. Really…. one needs to calculate how much North America pays, daily, for daily doses of propaganda and lying. Sometimes up to $5 per newspaper. And then, of course, one pays sales tax for their daily lies….
That was so precious. All on that video clip ending in orderly chaos on the word “democracy.” Sums it up. I used to think the street leftists were the most dumbed down. Well, not any more…. These liberal sold-out compliant and unprincipled media-spin puppets are the first fruits of a “sophisticated education” they’re still paying for. That is, they excelled like Obama in post-modernist and deconstructive world views, to get where they are today! (Nowhere………) Add to this they’re under the spiritual umbrella of their amoral corporate advertisers and, presto, we have the daily narrative we all pay for on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Well… Well… Well. hell….