By Lisa Haven
For Democrats today, winning is certainly the only thing they care about and playing fairly or by the rules is not part of their strategy. One only need witness the nomination hearings of Brett Kavanaugh to understand the depths of deceit, slander, and out and out lies the Democrats in the Senate are willing to engage in, to know that they have declared total war on all things which contradict their agenda.
I’m not trying to be sensational but the takeover of America by these Socialists goons is troubling. The secular, leftist, liberal worldview is stirring up violence at an alarming speed. At the same time, the patriotic, conservative, Christian worldview is being dismantled and many are being led to the slaughterhouse of censorship. But thankfully, we’ve got Trump backing us for now.
The truth is, we are like a frog being boiled to death slowly in water without recognizing what is happening, countless numbers of Americans are ignorant to today’s propaganda techniques and the fact that we are on the brink of all-out chaos…
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OK, here is a doozy of a comment. I’m sorry about the length but I thought is was important information that was appropriate to the article.
LH: “For Democrats today, winning is certainly the only thing they care about and playing fairly or by the rules is not part of their strategy”
Reminder: “The ends justify the means.” – Machiavelli. It means that if a goal is important enough, any method of getting it is acceptable. It was later picked up and used to justify murderous acts by Lenin and Stalin.
LH: “I’m not trying to be sensational but the takeover of America by these Socialists goons is troubling. The secular, leftist, liberal worldview is stirring up violence at an alarming speed. At the same time, the patriotic, conservative, Christian worldview is being dismantled and many are being led to the slaughterhouse of censorship”
Anytime we see tyranny on the upswing it is troubling. But it is not surprising. The real powers that be in this world have made their intentions known, they plan on setting up a new world order (NWO) and they appear to have the ways and means to do it. It is happening in a way that you and I cannot vote on or have any say whatsoever. Why not? Because it is controlled completely by these elites who bypass the vote. The have figured out a way to take over the world and the people have no voice in it. The NWO is called the United Nations (UN) and the way they take power is through UN Agenda 21 or as they now call it UN Agenda 2030. The United States government signed onto UN Agenda 21 back in 1992 along with 178 other nations including Russia, China and the EU nations. They are all on board and it is being implemented worldwide at this very minute and has been for quite a while now. Only it is speeding up because they plan on having it in full force by the year 2030, thus UN Agenda 2030. It doesn’t matter if the president is Democrat or Republican, UN Agenda 21 slows down for no one and both sides support it. Although the UN is taking over everything you will never hear one word about it from the president. Not Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump. They know it is happening but they won’t say anything about it or against it. Why? They support it regardless of what their charade of activities show. So don’t put your trust in the Democrats or Republicans to do away with UN Agenda 21, it will never happen. And what does UN Agenda 21 mean for all of us once it is fully implemented? Here are some of those things that I have learned from many articles I have read on it.
“The ‘affluent middle-class American lifestyle is unsustainable. ‘That includes single family homes, private vehicles, appliances, air-conditioning, & meat-eating. They are a threat to the planet. Stack and pack housing, restricted mobility, and regional government. Domestic surveillance, smart meters, GMO’s, loss of freedom—all UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Considered unsustainable under this plan: middle class lifestyle, single family homes, private vehicles, meat-eating, air conditioning, appliances, dams, farming, you. Urban areas are being consolidated and rural areas are being emptied of people through restrictive land use policies, gasoline costs, vehicle miles traveled taxes, loss of rural road maintenance, closing of rural schools, closing of rural post offices, water well monitoring, smart meters, and regionalization pressures. Smart Growth is not just the preferred building style for UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development; it is the ideology. Moving people into centralized urban areas in high density housing creates the perfect opportunity for domestic surveillance. This ideology is being used as the justification to radically change every city in the United States and to impose regulations dictated by unelected regional boards and commissions. It is remaking government. This dramatic revolution in private property rights extends to every facet of our lives: education, energy, food, housing, transportation. We are being told that this is OUR PLAN but it is not. Hardly anyone knows that they have very specific land use policies that they intend to implement in every city, county, state and nation. In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation. Another program, called the Wildlands Project spells out how most of the land is to be set aside for non-humans. U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth. Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan. Over the past few years there has been a ‘planning revolution’ across the US. Your commercial, industrial, and multi-residential land was rezoned to ‘mixed use.’ Nearly everything that got approvals for development was designed the same way: ground floor retail with two stories of residential above. Mixed use. This plan is a whole life plan. It involves the educational system, the energy market, the transportation system, the governmental system, the health care system, food production, and more. The plan is to restrict your choices, limit your funds, narrow your freedoms, and take away your voice. This is a public relations campaign–the biggest. Your government knows that if you knew what the plan was about in 1992 you would have objected to living under a dictatorship. You would have objected to having your educational system converted to a social indoctrination camp. You would have been distressed to learn that representative government was to be transitioned to non-representational government by appointed boards and commissions that you have no control over. So the propaganda campaign was in full force to hide the source and goals of ‘Sustainable Development.’
It’s only recently that the press even admits that UN Agenda 21 exists. Did the United Nations choose to call it the ‘Agenda for the 21st Century’ purposely in order to block further investigation? It sounds crazy. Up until very recently anyone who referred to UN Agenda 21 was labeled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ or a nut. Now the press acknowledges its existence but says it is a non-binding, twenty year old plan that has no impacts on local government. The United Nations, you are told, is ineffectual and the US just ignores proclamations and agreements it doesn’t like.
So, how does UN Agenda 2030 Agenda morph into the arrival of a one-world government?
Simple: they say it is entirely impossible to achieve what they have laid out without a one-world government, the New World Order we have heard so much about over the last few years.
This is what they are stating WILL be achieved by 2030 with all countries somehow miraculously retaining their own culture, resources, and economies:
17 Goals of UN Agenda 21/2030
• Total eradication of hunger across the planet.
• Total eradication of race inequality across the planet.
• Total eradication of poverty across the planet.
• Total eradication of gender inequality across the planet.
• Total eradication of war across the planet.
• Total eradication of Malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases across the planet.
• Total eradication of TB across the planet.
• A set standard of education for every child on the planet.
• Clean water and sanitation for every person on the planet.
• A decent job for every worker on the planet.
• Sustainable economic growth in every country on the planet.
• Sustainable agriculture across the planet.
• Sustainable livestock production across the planet.
• A reduction in natural resource use in every country on the planet.
• A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in every industrialized nation on the planet.
• A reduction in flood and drought events is susceptible locations around the world.
They intend for all of these things to be done by the year 2030. Really? Honestly? Achieving ANY of the goals on that list is impossible unless one single government calls all the shots and enforces conditions whereby the goals become achievable. That means the removal of sovereign status for individual nations. It means one giant money pot made up of cash from every nation that has cash to finance these initiatives. Globalism just took on a whole new meaning.
What do the 17 goals of UN Agenda really mean for us? Just this:
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere. The only answer the plan offers for eliminating poverty is redistribution of wealth. The document calls for “equal rights to economic resources.” That means government is claiming an absolute power to take away anything that belongs to you to give to whomever it deems more deserving. That is government-sanctioned theft. These are only Band-Aids that solve nothing. Tomorrow those on the bread lines will still need more. There is not a single idea in these plans to give the poor a way to earn their own wealth so they no longer need government handouts. The final result; a never ending cycle of poverty that will consume the middle class.
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. UN documents go into great detail on controlling food supplies. They detail enforcing “sustainable farming tactics” which have been proven to force up the cost of food production while decreasing yield. It is basically the old Soviet practice of farm control that turned the bread basket of the world into nonproductive wasteland. The document details the use of government controlled seed and plant banks… “to ensure access to and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge as internationally agreed.” In other words, our future food sources will be put into the hands of politically connected bureaucrats who have never been on a farm. . Starvation on a massive scale will trim the population to more sustainable levels.
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being of all at all ages. This means cradle to grave control over how and where we live and what we are permitted to eat. The healthy lives they promote means basically forcing us out of our cars and into walking and riding bikes as we are relocated into controlled high rise apartment buildings sanctioned by government. Meat will be out of the question as raising herds is not considered to be “sustainable. But don’t worry. Obamacare for all will deal with the predictable decline in health that is sure to follow.
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. We have long known that lifelong learning is the means to continually apply behavior modification practices to assure we maintain the desired attitudes, values and beliefs to live in a global village
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The rainbow flag flies as we ignore Shariah law and its war on women.
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation. Ask California how sustainable water control is working for them as these policies have torn down water systems and dams to “free the rivers.” The original pioneers found the land to be a desert. They built a sophisticated water control system that resulted in an emerald green paradise. Now, as Sustainable policies are being enforced, they are witnessing the return of the desert, destroying productive land. Meanwhile, across the nation, the EPA is moving to take control of all the water in the United States. Control the water, control the population.
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Seriously? Their solution is to ban oil and enforce wind and solar power. Every study across the nation and around the world has proven that these “modern” energy sources are unreliable and force up the cost of energy. Some report health problems related to life under the turbines. Moreover, the carnage of the birds and bats that are being chopped up and fried by these “sustainable” energy practices goes against everything environmentalists told us about protecting species.
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. One thing our 23 years of Agenda 21 have proven, there is no economic growth. European nations that implemented sustainable energy and water controls guidelines are now dumping those programs as fast as they can to save their economies. And who decides what is “productive” or “decent” work? Do we leave it to the bureaucrats to decide?
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Oh come now. Sustainable industrialization means destroyed industry. No real industry can remain in business under a government managed economy with its shifting rules and constant increase in taxes. Government doesn’t create industry or prosperity. Our government’s real job is to provide protection of the market place so real innovators are free to create new ideas, industries and opportunities. Government itself is a job killer when it gets in the way.
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries. This is another form of redistribution of wealth that forces industries from first world to third world nations. By using oppressive sustainable policies to drive up production costs, companies are forced to take their factories to the poorer nations. The second trick is to exempt those poorer nations from the very environmental rules and regulations that caused the factories to move in the first place. Can anyone explain how this helps the environment? It doesn’t. It simply makes everyone equally poor. This is also an assault on national sovereignty.
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This is Smart Growth which promises a utopia of families and neighbors playing and working together, riding bikes, walking to work in stress free communities. It really means the end of private property rights, single family homes, and stack and pack high rises where residents are over taxed, over regulated, rents are high and individual thoughts and actions are viewed as a threat to the “well-ordered society.” And by the way, the American Planning Association did a study to see if their smart growth plans worked and their own report concluded that Smart Growth doesn’t work.
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. What more is there to say? Control from the top down.
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Here it is! The root of the entire plan. Climate Change. How many scientific reports do real scientists have to present to show this is the greatest scam ever devised to create a reason for government to control every aspect of our lives? Well, here, let the Global Warming scare mongers tell you their true purpose in their own words:
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony – climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” Christine Stewart (former Canadian Minister of the Environment). Justice built on a lie? And here is another quote to make it clear. “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). The end justifies the means! Notice that Mr. Wirth is as concerned with the economy as he is with the environment.
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Control the water, control society. This one is really aimed at destroying the oil industry in order to enforce wind and solar power. This is the UN pounding its chest to become the central global government it has always sought to be. It has no more right to the seas than it does to the air we breath or the surface of the moon.
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Have you been watching the news as the greatest fires in history are destroying millions of acres of forests? Why is this happening? Because of sustainable forest management that refuses to allow the removal of dead trees from the forest floor. This creates a density of combustible material to fuel massively hot and unmanageable fires. If you want to save a forest, send an environmentalist back to his high rise in New York City where he belongs.
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. This is Social Justice which really means social engineering. Have you ever once witnessed an “effective” or “accountable” institution coming out of the United Nations? By its very nature, the UN is unaccountable. Who would be the entity to oversee that accountability? Every one of these programs outlined in the 2030 Agenda creates money, power and unaccountability at every level of government. That is why government is now running out of control and people are feeling so hopeless in trying to deal with their governments. Goal 16 should be named the “Foxes Running the Hen House” goal.
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. This means the re-boot of Agenda 21, because that was the original “global partnership.” This goal is a call for all of the treaties, plans and schemes devised in the massive UN meetings to be made the law of the globe. It is total global government and it is a sure highway to misery, destruction of human society, individual thought, motivation and dreams.
References: Roso Koire, American policy Center, Sleuth Journal
More on goals of UN Agenda 21/2030
Agenda 2030 Decrypted
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances, digital one world currency in a cashless society
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Translation: GMO
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Translation: Population control through forced “Family Planning”
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Translation: Privatize all water sources, don’t forget to add fluoride
Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Translation: Forced austerity
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors
Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights
Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Translation: UN “peacekeeping” missions (ex 1, ex 2), the International Court of (blind) Justice, force people together via fake refugee crises and then mediate with more “UN peacekeeping” when tension breaks out to gain more control over a region, remove 2nd Amendment in USA
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide, promote globalism under the “authority” and bloated, Orwellian bureaucracy of the UN
And don’t forget the One World Religion under the One World Pope!
~by Ryan Cristian, Humans Are Free