By Lisa Haven
Judicial Watch, an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government official, has just dropped a bombshell about a coup attempt on the President of the United States. Not only do they prove, via documented emails, but they also reveal who may have spearheaded the coup attack against the President. All that and more below…
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Hello, the DNC was leaking information to Russia by one of their vendors. The Young Turks associate producer had last name Kaspersky. Back in 2013 Kaspersky lab zao registered of Canada. They had software that once installed could take full control of Android,Apple IOS devices. The problem was Kaspersky was a Russian software company that direct link to America and Canada electronic devices. Using a Russian satellite. So DNC leak to Russia was done by a vendor,the Young Turks and rest is history.
“a bombshell about a coup attempt on the President of the United States”
I don’t think there is any danger of the President being removed from office by a coup. The Democrats have to keep their brain washed voters happy by appearing to go after the President to remove him from office. That is what the Mueller investigation was all about. But of course it found nothing on the President and was a total waste of time and tax payer money. It was planned to be that way and the Democrat masses were kept hopeful that they would find big crimes on the President and remove him from office. But it kept the lower echelons happy for a while. Now they will move on to hopes of impeachment, which is all the rage on CNN and MSNBC at the moment, but it will go nowhere. And the Democratic leadership like Pelosi are against impeachment so it will not happen. But they keep the progressives masses happy thinking it might. Actually the Dems and Repubs work together to keep the voters in ignorance and giving them false hope. They really work for and answer to the same people, the globalist elite banksters and their black nobility cohorts. Those are the people that really rule this world and who give marching orders to the politicians, American ones included. The politicians are put there there to make the voters think they have a choice. But they don’t have a choice. They vote on the politicians selected and put on the ticket by the globalist elite. You just think you selected them. It’s all rigged folks. And the globalist real agenda continues to move forward, no matter which party is in power, meanwhile the masses of the great unwashed continue to bicker with each other and think their party is going to really do something to change things for what they want done. But it never happens. We continue to be played by the powers that be as they move forward with their real agenda. And what is that? Primarily it is UN Agenda 21. Remember 179 nations including the U.S. are signed on to UN Agenda 21, which is nothing less than the plan for a NWO run by the globalist elite. Anyone that doesn’t know about UN Agenda 21 by now needs to get with it and find out what they have in store for ALL of humanity. Here is a small bit of information on UN Agenda 21. It should wet your appetite to find out more, which is abundantly available with minimal effort searching the web. Remember 179 nations are signed on to fully support UN Agenda 21, including the U.S. And they are very serious about implementing it and are doing so at this very moment. In the meanwhile they keep you busy fussing with each other over issues that have no real meaning to them but keep you distracted.
“What is Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 is the blueprint for a global communist dictatorship, tying together many aspects of the NWO: depopulation, smart meters, surveillance, transhumanism and microchipping.
So what is Agenda 21? It is the global scheme being implemented in America and elsewhere to place concentrated power in the hands of a few central planners, who will then decide in a top-down fashion where everyone will live, where they can go and where they will be forbidden from entering. It plans to create “non-human zones” where ordinary people will never be allowed to set foot (but there will be one rule for the masses and another rule for the elite). Around these non-human zones will be placed buffer zones. Then, in the little bit of land left, there will be a dozen or so mega-regions – human habitats – with incredibly high population density. These will become smart cities, with mass transit (instead of cars), high rises and people stacked up on top of each other in tiny box-sized apartments. You will be asked to “need less” and accept living in a cardboard box, all for the supposed sake of the Earth – while the elite administrators live in their mansions out of sight in another “sector”. Agenda 21 even contains plans for the Government to decide whether you own a car, whether you can grow your own food and what materials your dwelling will be made of!
But that’s not all: Agenda 21 is the master plan behind the smart deception. In planned smart cities, smart meters will be prevalent, cameras will be everywhere and everyone will be under constant surveillance 24/7. Eventually the plan is to link all machines, appliances and devices to a smart chip or microchip which the elite want you to have embedded under your skin. This chip will be necessary for you to access money, food, transport, entry to your dwelling and buildings, etc., but it will also be subject to remote control from authorities. Humans will become mere automatons, nodes on a massive smart grid, thus fulfilling the ambitions of the transhumanism agenda.
This isn’t conspiracy theory; it’s conspiracy fact.+ ~ article from Sleuth Journal