Breaking! Earthquake Strikes San Francisco at Hayward Fault—Second Time Four Weeks—Geologists Again Warn of a “Big One”
By Lisa Haven This just in!! The San Francisco Bay Area has been struck once again by a 4.0...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Aug 17, 2015 | Christian News, End Times & Bible Prophecy |
By Lisa Haven This just in!! The San Francisco Bay Area has been struck once again by a 4.0...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Aug 17, 2015 | Christian News, End Times & Bible Prophecy |
By Lisa Haven “The faithful [those in the Catholic Church] who enroll in Masonic...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Aug 17, 2015 | Uncategorized |
By Lisa Haven Huge Red Alert! An alternative energy insider is causing ripple effects across the...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Aug 15, 2015 | End Times & Bible Prophecy |
By Lisa Haven “It’s no surprise that Californians are in danger, but scientists have also flagged...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Aug 12, 2015 | Christian News, End Times & Bible Prophecy |
By Lisa Haven I urge you to watch the video below in its entirety. Especially considering...
Read MoreLisa Haven is an independent Christian news analyst and has been seen and heard on broadcasts around the world. She has her own YouTube channel, with half a million subscribers and multiple other websites that she authors, her message is heard by millions every single each month. Her experience extends into public and private speaking engagements, written bible studies and investigative reporting. With decades of continual research and a deep passion for her subject manner she is able to uncover and spread truth where ever it may be hidden in a message her audience understands, appreciates and depends on.