In October the motion picture movie Ouija, a horror film that depicts a group of teenagers who engage with an Ouija board, was released to the public and swept the box office competition. Despite its negative reviews people still flocked to see the movie mystified by the darkness that surrounded the Ouija board itself.
Rumors and secrets have flourished over the years and teenagers have often ventured into the world of the occult using the Ouija as their guide. Sadly many have been injured and hurt and innocent, unsuspecting victims have opened up portals to the dark dimensions of Lucifer himself and allowed everything from demon possession to demonic interaction…or at least that is what many believe….The question needs to be asked, is this illusive game as evil as many believe it is and does it really open portals to the satanic realm? While some people believe it is all a hoax, I personally believe it can. Here’s why…