By Lisa Haven

It has been known that some post offices have a “secret room” in which the U.S. Post Inspection Service utilizes to conduct investigations into mail fraud. A few years ago, however, a document complete with floor plans surfaced from a military insider proving that these rooms are not only used for mail fraud but also could be used for other government agendas as well.

As with most things in our culture these rooms serve a dual purpose. It is believed that these facilities can also be used as black site detainment centers in the event of a national emergency or if a red alert were to be issued. 

Considering we are on the brink of economic collapse and Jade Helm drills are preparing the military for domestic riots, civil war and martial law. I do believe these rooms just might come into play a littler sooner than I’d like to imagine. Here is the breaking report…

Executive Order 11002:

“The Postmaster General shall assist in the development of a national emergency registration system. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in this area with respect to all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.”

Here is a video recording of one of the US Post Inspection Service LOG rooms in a post office, remember they have dual purposes:

For More Information See:


Post Office Rooms:

Executive Order 11002:

Post Office Stock Up On Ammo:

Post Office Logging Mail:


MSEHPA: (this act allows them to take control of public facilities including post office)

Alex Jones video: