
By Lisa Haven

At the United Nations Sustainable Development assembly that took place September 25-27th,  many world leaders gathered together to address the panel, each with their own “message” for the world.

It is at this assembly that President Obama, Pope Francis and many other globalists gathered together to flaunt their aspirations of attaining a New World Order in order to combat climate change and terrorism. Obama called for a strong development of an international order, a bolder fight against terrorist, and specifically targeted any who objected the international governance. While the pope called for environmental justice while painting “material prosperity” as the enemy. Here is the breaking report…

For More Information See:

Pope Address with Translation- http://6abc.com/religion/pope-francis-speech-before-united-nations-general-assembly/1001701/

Transcript: http://ncronline.org/blogs/ncr-today/read-pope-francis-speech-united-nations

Video link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/25/pope-francis-asserts-right-environment-un