In the video below I interview Dave Hodges with The Common Sense Show, in which he reveals jaw-dropping information about the Pedo-Ring that is now running ramped in America. In it he divulges bombshell information about how the CIA is involved. All that and more in the report below…
Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analyst and one of the top contributors on She is also author of www.LisaHaven.News and runs her own youtube channel with millions views. She also has done speaking engagements, written bible studies, and has spoken on numerous radio broadcasts. Digging deep and finding truth is what she lives for. Her passion is to spread truth no matter where it lies. She covers everything from martial law, to FEMA camps, to end time bible prophecy, to government documents and much more!
“Deep State involved with this for fun, pleasure and profit…” AND CONTROL! Listen! Since the 32nd Degree REadings was published in the early 1900s, one of the last chapters talks about Pedophilia. Pedophilia is the Mason’s 32nd Degree Secret! They tell all members it is allowed! The duped “intellectual” 32nd Degree temple members believe them… and then molest their sons, grandsons, others. THIS IS HOW SATANIC WORLDWIDE MASONRY GETS CONTROL OVER ITS POLITICIANS AND STATESMEN, ITS BANKERS AND FINANCIERS AND MEMBERS WITH A PUBLIC PROFILE! Once a pedophile 32nd Degree Mason steps out of line – we’ve seen this especially in the UK – Freemasonry MSM will do a merciless character-assassinating smear campaign… until the 32nd Degree pedophile either comes back in line, or resigns his position to a more loyal 32nd Degree pedophile. Over 2,000 just in the Detroit area! This CONTROL MECHANISM is how the infrastructure for world government is held together. Trump needs to immediately discharge all Masons from his appointees and administration, as well as his advisors, because they are tightly controlled to eventually betray him! FREEMASONRY IS THE DEEPEST AND MOST GUARDED PART OF THE SWAMP!
SPEAKING OF DEEP STATE… Just now, for posting on Facebook as I do all the time, to 40 groups on which I have a Facebook membership – I have been restricted from Facebook for 72 hours! The article they removed and censored after only 3 postings:
This is the most NWO defend information of my lifetime! Youtube and Metacafe removed and censored, and now Facebook removed all! This article WITH VIDEO shows Carter complicit not only with the de-nationalizing Muslims, but with the California Republic flag with Communist Red Star and Bear officially on his Habitat for Humanity project sites! Well, anyone who reads this, thank you for getting the word out! Otherwise, MSM wins on this one….
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Today i watched your recent report on the rfid chip.
In your report there is no mention of the full extent of the chip,
If you would like to have a listen to these guys who share about the DNA modifaction of the chip to the human body.
Perry Stone and Tom Horn.
If you read the Words of Jesus where He said.
“As in the days of Noah, so it will be when The Son of man returns…”
More Words of Jesus, ” If I dont come soon, there there will be no FLESH left.. ” sounds a bit like Gen.ch6 doesnt it.
Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analyst and has been seen and heard on broadcasts around the world. She has her own YouTube channel, with half a million subscribers and multiple other websites that she authors, her message is heard by millions every single each month. Her experience extends into public and private speaking engagements, written bible studies and investigative reporting. With decades of continual research and a deep passion for her subject manner she is able to uncover and spread truth where ever it may be hidden in a message her audience understands, appreciates and depends on.
“Deep State involved with this for fun, pleasure and profit…” AND CONTROL! Listen! Since the 32nd Degree REadings was published in the early 1900s, one of the last chapters talks about Pedophilia. Pedophilia is the Mason’s 32nd Degree Secret! They tell all members it is allowed! The duped “intellectual” 32nd Degree temple members believe them… and then molest their sons, grandsons, others. THIS IS HOW SATANIC WORLDWIDE MASONRY GETS CONTROL OVER ITS POLITICIANS AND STATESMEN, ITS BANKERS AND FINANCIERS AND MEMBERS WITH A PUBLIC PROFILE! Once a pedophile 32nd Degree Mason steps out of line – we’ve seen this especially in the UK – Freemasonry MSM will do a merciless character-assassinating smear campaign… until the 32nd Degree pedophile either comes back in line, or resigns his position to a more loyal 32nd Degree pedophile. Over 2,000 just in the Detroit area! This CONTROL MECHANISM is how the infrastructure for world government is held together. Trump needs to immediately discharge all Masons from his appointees and administration, as well as his advisors, because they are tightly controlled to eventually betray him! FREEMASONRY IS THE DEEPEST AND MOST GUARDED PART OF THE SWAMP!
SPEAKING OF DEEP STATE… Just now, for posting on Facebook as I do all the time, to 40 groups on which I have a Facebook membership – I have been restricted from Facebook for 72 hours! The article they removed and censored after only 3 postings:
This is the most NWO defend information of my lifetime! Youtube and Metacafe removed and censored, and now Facebook removed all! This article WITH VIDEO shows Carter complicit not only with the de-nationalizing Muslims, but with the California Republic flag with Communist Red Star and Bear officially on his Habitat for Humanity project sites! Well, anyone who reads this, thank you for getting the word out! Otherwise, MSM wins on this one….
You’re temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups until Tuesday at 4:46pm.
RESTRICTION ON Ends Tuesday at 4:46pm
Today i watched your recent report on the rfid chip.
In your report there is no mention of the full extent of the chip,
If you would like to have a listen to these guys who share about the DNA modifaction of the chip to the human body.
Perry Stone and Tom Horn.
If you read the Words of Jesus where He said.
“As in the days of Noah, so it will be when The Son of man returns…”
More Words of Jesus, ” If I dont come soon, there there will be no FLESH left.. ” sounds a bit like Gen.ch6 doesnt it.