By Lisa Haven
Ever get the feeling you are being played? Well that is exactly what the globalists have been doing, playing their game of chess with the people of the world in order to grab absolute power. After all, power corrupts, but absolute power, corrupts absolutely!
In the video below I managed to obtain an interview with Patrick Wood, the author of Technocracy Rising, The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. We delve through never before discussed topics dealing with Technocracy, the rise of ‘scientists’ and those who are working behind the scenes to accomplish a devilish agenda. I believe you will find the interview well worth the time. Please don’t miss this exclusive report….
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We’ve been so conditioned to believing everything new is better. Everything new is progressive and everything progressive is new. This started with occultist Francis Bacon. Prior to Bacon, we were looking back for wisdom and knowledge rather, than forward somewhere into the nebulous and conveniently undefined future. Technology and technocracy leaves moral considerations in the dust. Technocratic elites have no idea where things are heading. They just need something to spend their money on and to hope for the best… for themselves, regardless of what it does to the rest of the human race. They keep getting the blood of adolescents so they think they will live longer. Alarm bells must have kicked in when Stephen Hawking died at 76. Globalists under the heavy delusion they are evolving and they actually are the fittest in the “survival of the fittest.” Marxist Communism/Globalism can’t survive without evolution – that’s why they keep pushing it. It justifies their insanity. They keep forgetting or overlooking logic is not truth. Thank God I’m not a globalist. Couldn’t live with myself. So what are they achieving? 1. Satan always wants to be “like God” so all this cutting-edge surveillance makes him think he’s omniscient. 2. The Mark of the Beast fiasco lasts 5 months then grievous sores break out, do to tissue incompatibility. 3. They control billions sent into space, when it should be used on VA hospitals. 4. They invest in weaponizing everything with cutting-edge “state of the art” garbage, 5. They keep receiving their dark-money revenue from Darknet exercises in human trafficking, drugs, murder, etc. 6. They invest in AI at one end and the mentally handicapped at the other… and simply, flippantly, let the American Gifted children go to hell. 7. They invest in everything they can, which will culminate in 100% loss at Armagedon. Not cool. All that money shot. And they get it by killing the middle class. Don’t you hate globalists? If by chance a drunken globalist is reading this, I say to that hopelessly depraved person: “The way forward is the way back….”
“China has a scoring system.” This is EXACTLY what Win 10 does! Win 8 is still comparatively safer. What we need is to get the Internet back which Obama gave away, put tight controls on Microsoft and eugenicist Bill Gates, and have the US Govt give to every citizen a fully-protected Linux OS which cannot be invaded or hacked in any way. All Google archives 3-stories underground in Des Moines – and all Cray computers – must give up their stolen data on every citizen and be dismantled. 700 Key Words currently put you on a scoring system with the Cray computers.
A Christian Republic is a limited form of democracy. A Republic is a limited form of democracy. The key word is “limited.” Democracy is always the front for Communism. Many good books are written on this. In our Republic, We The People are at the top. In a Democracy, the Supreme Court is at the top and We The People at the bottom. All these and related facts are momentarily convoluted to the hilt, due to the systematic elimination of civics books for just over four decades now. Trump should do an emergency printing of anti-globalist American civics books mandatory for all schools….
THE YIN AND YANG ON THE ABOVE SIGN…. Actually this speaks volumes. The Yin and Yang is of occult divination. I am holding in my hands a 1974 First Edition of The Occult Technology of Power. On Abebooks it sells for $200. This is because a high price is paid for this book by the elite. It’s a book well worth having. Later editions may be edited down, I don’t know. OCCULT TECHNOLOGY is what we’re dealing with. Whileit’s true God did make man a technological being, Satan nevertheless has put his purposes on technology for his elite disciples. In this book on tehcnology we have such chapters as “Occult Knowledge as the Key to Power” and “Covert Operations and Intelligence.” A “Technocratic Invasion Kickoff” is an occult invasion kickoff. One of the many occult references for this rare book is Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Bible. (I spoke with LaVey in L.A. when he had his coven there.) The important point to make is that it must be strongly settled in everyone’s psyches at this point: A Technocratic Invasion is an Occult Invasion. You won’t want it…
Gee whillikers! Lisa. I read the Red Pill expo and then saw the speakers who will be there. I said yeah by gosh I’m going. I live in Seattle and Spokane isn’t far away. I got myself worked up to go and was going to tell it to my wife tonight…….then…I saw the price $500 general admission. Sigh. I am just a working stiff and that is $1000 for both of us not counting travel and hotel stay and food. I’m sorry to say it is out of our price range, which is a shame as I really wanted to attend. I know the speakers must be paid and I understand have no issue with that. So it is good and must be and no problems with it. I am glad they are coming to speak on vastly important subjects. I’m only saddened that I am too poor to attend. $150.00 is in my price range but those tickets don’t exist. I might be able to go for the Live-stream (for non-attendees)$150.00 , which would be very nice. But not like seeing it and everyone in person. Oh well. So near yet so far. I hope you do go though with it and go Lisa. You would be an important person to have there.You should give at least a small speech. Your important to the cause and people would love to hear you make at least a little speech. Or a big one if you are so inclined. I am sure it will be so worth it. Spokane is a great place to have it. Best wishes. Darn it I can’t go.