By Lisa Haven
Scientific technocrat Edward O. Wilson’s book “Half Earth” entertains the idea of of giving half the earth to humans and half the earth back to natural habitat. Considering only the ‘human’ half can be used for our resources this would require a major reduction in the human species. Here’s a quote about his book:
“…leave about half the Earth’s surface mostly free of humans, so wild plants and animals can live there unimpeded as they did for so long before humans arrived. Same with the oceans, by the way; about a third of our food comes from the sea, so the seas have to be healthy too.”
Keep in mind the globalists agenda, according to the Georgia Guide Stones, is to decrease humanity to under 500 million persons, Edwards plan would line up quite nicely with this plan.
We must also remember their desire to push all Americans into eleven mega-regions, documented via, which would also result in a huge chunk of our country being un-used and rural Americans being forced into the cities.
All that and more in the report below…
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Puppet Wilson is a front for the economic side of world govt. Not more than 2.5 billion accounts will be configured, globally, from Brussels, Belgium. PBS has been seriously complicit with hard core NWO for some time. (Meanwhile, after the cashless system is in place, the Book of Revelation “judgments of thirds” will kick in when a third of many aspects of the planet will be destroyed.) Back to Wilson the NWO puppet. How utterly ludicrous. Saving the planet by killing half of it…. Technology and these happily sold-out technocrats are amoral. Apparently, the Soros-fundedprocesses are too slow (abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, samesex, homosexuality, poisoned air, food and water). Wilson is doing a simple parroting of Humanist Manifesto II, promoted by Rockefellers, which says, “No Deity will save us. We must save ourselves.” So we save ourselves by killing ourselves. Makes perfect sense….
“Leave most of the earth’s surfaces free of humans.” Ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! It sounds funny…. but it’s really not. OK. They do take that seriously and they do plan on living underground. Revelation 5:3: “But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll and read it.” For that to be in Bible prophecy for 2,000 years indicates a LOT of people will mindlessly follow fronts like Wilson and go underground (while hopefully the Christians have gone up in the pre-Trib Rapture). Russia has over 100 underground cities. I spoke with a UN officer stationed 2 miles underground in Greenland, “With enough provisions to last 20 years, with seeds to bring up afterwards.” Underground and underwater bases and tunnels are all over America with locations listed in books by Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
“How much of a problem we are.” Yes. Satan knows his time is short….
Georgia guidelines says 500 million people, that means about 8 billion need to be eliminated. To do that would require Hitlarian methods of depopulation. You get my drift I know. And U.N. Agenda 21 would place all 500 million survivors into city concentration camps. That is what the globalistelite have planned for humankind.
Sorry to post 2 different comments, but sometimes I just have time for a quick one and come back later with more stuff:
I really appreciate the information presented on this site (one of the best) on UN Agenda 21/2030 (same thing). It is going forward seemingly unabated. The U.S. is signed on to it as are 178 other nations. No matter who is President UN Agenda 21 keeping right on going forward. Bush, Obama, Trump, no matter. Agenda 21 is still the plan for the U.S. and the rest of the world. Just as you said the plan is to make most of the earth off limits and humans forced to live in stack and pack housing in city concentration camps. And of course depopulation down to 500 million people or so. This is the NWO. It doesn’t sound very nice, in fact it sounds horrific and Satanic. I can’t harp on UN Agenda 21 enough. It is the true enemy of mankind and it is a UN program controlled by the insane global elite. Here is more:
UN Agenda 21 will bring the following to the U.S.A. :
1) Control by the UN of: all American land, water, minerals, plants, all animals, construction, means of production, all information, energy, human beings.
2) No single family homes, no private vehicles, no appliances, no air conditioning, and no meat eating.
3) Domestic surveillance of ALL humans, smart meters (Smart Growth), GMO’s, loss of freedom, only so called sustainable development allowed.
4) Considered unsustainable under this plan: middle class lifestyle, single family homes, private vehicles, meat eating, air conditioning, appliances, dams, farming, You
5) Smart Growth is not just the preferred building style for UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development; it is the ideology. Moving people into centralized urban areas in high density housing creates the perfect opportunity for domestic surveillance. This ideology is being used as the justification to radically change every city in the United States and to impose regulations dictated by unelected regional boards and commissions. It is remaking government. This dramatic revolution in private property rights extends to every facet of our lives: education, energy, food, housing, transportation.
For those who would like to be better educated about UN Agenda 21 and what it means for all people on earth, listen to any of several Youtube videos by Rosa Koire who is an expert on Agenda 21. She really knows her stuff. I will leave a link to one of her shorter videos and also post a link to her website. Take a little time and check this out. It’s that important.