By Lisa Haven
GOOGLE is the first to know you are going through a crisis, they know things before you know things. They follow you on your phone, your computer. And we allow it, but not anymore!
VPN’s or Virtual Private Networks are being BANNED all over the world. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and if something ISN’T DONE NOW to stop it, we could be looking at the same style of censorship here in America.
For example, China has decided to crack down on VPN users and ban them because they want ultimate control of their people. VPN’s allowed the citizens of China to see things the government doesn’t approve of like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and multiple other websites. This is a complete and utter obliteration of the human right to freedom and it is now being controlled by a communist leftist regime.
Additionally, on November 1, 2017, Russia decided to follow suit with China, and remove the rights of their citizens to ‘surf the internet without government oversight.’
Let’s be frank, the U.S. government is already ILLEGALLY spying on us via the NSA and the CIA. It’s time to stand against this illegal corruption. To stand against the illegal actions of the U.S. government to continue to infringe on our freedoms.
In the video below, I not only expose their corruption but also show how VPN’s are one of the answers to the constant illegal actions of international and domestic governments…
THEY Don’t Care About You Or Your Privacy! You’ve Got to Take that Into Your OWN Hands!
GET Virtual Shield VNPa:
Use Promo code: LISAHAVEN30
For More Information See:
“GOOGLE is the first to know you are going through a crisis,” You might get in touch with Startpage and Startmail ( and tie in with them on commissions. It might do very well….
Part of the Great Paradigm Shift is linking all this together. A woman I sat next to on the plane – from Bloomington, Minnesota – has made a fortune selling the software to tie it all together. Clearly, short-term gain for long-term pain. She bragged about how many times a year she spends in her mansion in Hawaii. Selfish.
FACEBOOK pays an army of Filipinos $1 an hour for monitoring what is said. They follow a script. So if you’re pro-Trump, “racist,” not politically correct, the $1 an hr. Filipinos will punish you with a 24-72 hr. time out or worse. In my case, they asked for endless pictures and I finally stopped handing them out…………………
Why would anyone use FB or twitter??? Are you THAT needy??
I use Startpage search engine, have for years– and have Virtual Shield but have never used FB or Twitter–sometimes links have Twitter to read and of course, I do that.
But I am not on those networks.
I NEVER give my phone # when asked. XXX-XXX-2000 is easy to remember.
Those Sam’s club loyalty cards?? Wrong name, address, and email.
I have Virtual Shield–I use no social networks though.
You have to be careful, with VS; sometimes it disconnects the network and you must sign on again.