By Lisa Haven
I’m so tired! I’m sick and tired of all the censorship that we are enduring on a daily basis, and no one is doing anything about it. Days pass on as censorship worsens and Youtuber’s who are speaking truth are left in the dark. The conservative, patriotic, libertarian voices are shadow-banned and told that if they keep speaking their channels will be removed from every social media outlet available to mankind.
We are not living in a free America. We are living under a system of suppression and control and if we allow these things to continue there will be no freedom left and your children will become exactly what the New World Order wants… mind controlled liberal zombies who follow the directives of their master.
The selective facebook purge goes live May 24th. All that and more below…
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We are long overdue for alternative platforms to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, more. All Patriotic/Conservative/Christian/Constitutional YouTube channels should form a Consortium and take 10% of their monthly earnings and direct them, very quickly now, to alternative platforms. Freedom of Speech, if it is to survive, must be pro-active with safeguards.. The Hour Glass is running out….
Let’s put it this way. God always judges for SYncretism. It means “A mixture.” Jerusalem, for example, has been buried 27 times for Syncretism, an archeologist at the Wall of the Old City told me one day. Patriotic/Conservative/Christian/Constitutional have been toying and in gray areas on the secular/liberal/de-Christianizing platforms for a long time. As a result, daily, for years, their Patriotic/Conservative/Christian/Constitutional viewers have been bombarded with salacious, debauching, time-wasting ads – daily – because the bargain with Google is that they stay on. This is Syncretism ready to be judged. There is Strength in Purity. The globalists know this and it’s why so far they’ve wanted to do incremental conditioning and de-Christianizing through their stupid ads. Kruschev knew the way to “political success” was to keep even his Cabinet debauched. What we need now are platforms with a solid, constant, “There is Strength in Purity” ad base. Otherwise, the best of Patriotic/Conservative/Christian/Constitutional sites and videos remain “Mixed Messages” defined in interpersonal relationships as Crazy Makers. “There is Strength in Purity” needs to be the primary focus for these urgently-needed new platforms….
In one week, last week, one of my Twitter sites contained half-a-dozen sentences exposing Freemasonry in globalism. At the end of the week, not only did my one-day 21.3K jump in Twitter followers decline to 850, but 3 days later the entire total Followers leveled off at 1900. Outrageous! Trump needs to regulate this industry but, much more importantly, we need the new platforms described above…….
Hi Lisa and friends. Yep – I too am a victim of shadow banning and censorship on YouTube and Mugbook. Even though I’m a low-profile, harmless individual my friend’s – and my own posts on the upcoming abortion referendum here in Ireland are being suppressed and I was on a list of 15,000 shadow banned individuals after the first few campaigning for a NO vote posts. The truth about the horrors of abortion in Countries where it has been a reality for decades is considered fake news and scaremongering. My friend’s YouTube channel was suspended for no specific reason that she can detect, but she does subscribe to many truth -and- religion channels. hmm coincidence ? I think not. Greetings to all of you from all of us.
Sorry, I actually meant Twitter instead of YouTube in the first sentence – How about an edit option??