Mega End Time Prophecy Of Daniel Unfolds—Whats Happening Will Leave You Speechless—Mixing Of Iron And Clay
By Lisa Haven “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Mar 6, 2016 | End Times & Bible Prophecy |
By Lisa Haven “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Mar 5, 2016 | FEMA Martial Law, Government Corruption Illuminati |
By Lisa Haven Chances are you woke up this morning to the report that federal authorities have...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Mar 2, 2016 | Christian News, Government Corruption Illuminati |
By Lisa Haven The United Nations governments of the world have just issued all out war against...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Mar 2, 2016 | Conspiracy Facts, Government Corruption Illuminati |
By Lisa Haven The threat of nuclear war has always been a constant looming thought in the back of...
Read MorePosted by Lisa Haven | Mar 1, 2016 | Conspiracy Facts, FEMA Martial Law |
By Lisa Haven Would you be surprised if I told you that about 85-90% of people living in America...
Read MoreLisa Haven is an independent Christian news analyst and has been seen and heard on broadcasts around the world. She has her own YouTube channel, with half a million subscribers and multiple other websites that she authors, her message is heard by millions every single each month. Her experience extends into public and private speaking engagements, written bible studies and investigative reporting. With decades of continual research and a deep passion for her subject manner she is able to uncover and spread truth where ever it may be hidden in a message her audience understands, appreciates and depends on.