By Lisa Haven
Ever hear the song by Eminem, “Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?” The song, as sick as it is, leave viewers convinced that only one man can be Slim Shady even though there are lots of impersonators. So it is with politicians today. Every leftist politician is labeling the conservative politician as being a Russian spy, and those on the right are pointing their fingers at those on the left stating that their the Russian spies. As a result the public is left asking the question, “Will the Real Russian Spies Please Stand Up?”
Thankfully, outside sources like Wikileaks have heard the cry of the American people and answered with documented proof of just who the real Russia spies truly are.
In the video below I reveal the culprits and use documented evidence to back my claims. Here’s the breaking report…
For More Information See:
Only if they go after Voter Fraud will this happen – I know many in Arizona, they are questioning why John Mac Daddy keeps his office! We’ll see, the more I think about it the days of Johnny McCain are clearly waning ‘by design’! Their will always be a slick talker who slips in. Financially they consider themselves Made by then!
I often wundered (be fore Harry Reid) who could be worse then Daschle! Reid is/was the Swamp (along w/Hillary & Barry)
*Listen folk’s, I strongly believe Trump will be successful – it is clear that the Lord is shinning the light on these Sa’tanic corrupt social fascist!
I have belly laugh’s when I hear these clearly academia/media(s) indoctrinated troll’s calling us conservatives names that they are practitioners of! Talk about being dumber than a headless chicken! The Adversary is feeling the heat from the bowels of the earth, of coarse we have a Spiritual battle on our hands & we (Christian’s) had better be putting on the full armor of God Daily! The occult’s are praying 24/7 356 – we best too, 100 percent greater is He than that’s in the world! Problem is, many Christian’s Do Not recognize Spiritual War-far – instead of getting exorcised many go to their Dr’s or call some medium to exorcise the devil, yeah, that makes sense, Demon’s casting out Demon’s, yea yea yea !
With hitlery having given uranium directly to the Russians, this all comes as no surprise… I just wish that these criminals would actually be prosecuted and land in jail, especially the clintons, but it seems they are all so well protected, nothing will ever come of their evil deeds ( this life that is… They shall definitely not be having a happy time of it in the afterlife, assuming they don’t repent).
Change your second their to they’re.
Good read by the way.
Hello Lisa.
For those of us who can’t get video, would you please tell us the names of those spies, please?
Thank you. Look forward to your articles daily.
Flipping amazing. “The Russians hacked!” “Trump’s in with the Russians!” “blah blah Trump blah Russia blah blah blah!” Unbelievable. Show us the evidence!!! Ah, we don’t have any, but it’s all true. Really. It’s true. Impeach him! Ah, excuse me, we have evidence that McCain, Clinton, and Podesta have links with Russia……..chirp chirp chirp……blah blah Trump blah Russia blah blah blah…..He’s mentally incompetent!!
And the American people are starting to just tune it all out. It’s like the Star Trek episode where Q temporarily turns Crusher into a barking dog. We’re Q. Mainstream media, barking dog.
Thank you Wikileaks.
Keep praying everyone. Don’t let up.